
Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

Pangky Uhuy Mendglegar (lol action)

I will share you about my friend his name is Pangky, he has a very funny behavior makes people who see it always laugh. yook cekidot..

1. this picture i capture when we are conducting simulation practic with mr. Agoeng.. So cute bukan... :D
 2. look picture two and 3,  at this moment all seem happ. Pangky? -_- it's Wagu action..
 4. Indra (kanan): papa..papa.. liat anak kita uda mulai gede, aku bingung tolong beli'in baju yang bagus donk paa.. Pangky (kiri): iyee ni lagi nyari di ol shop baju apa yang lagi trend untuk anak-anak sekarang.. :D
 5. look this picture, Pangky seem as BOS GEDE.. Emank gede dari sononya yee :D
 6. ihiirrrrr duet sahabat :D
 7. yooo Locus bergoyanggg angkat jempoll kakinya aseeeekk :D
 8. Pangky ft Ferizka, cie..cie Pangky tersipu malu-malu meoong :D

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